The Maiden with Eyes of Blue - Chapter 7 - Star_of_the_Sea1 (2024)

Chapter Text

Aunt Eva's fearful gasp mixed with the bar owner's angry outburst. When she saw her niece draped over the stranger's shoulder, her hand shot to her chest.

"Is Ginerva hurt?" she wailed. In her mind, she was imagining the worse.

Seto shook his head. He opened the door of the stagecoach, then paused to grin at the old woman. "She fainted."

Eva was too happy with the news to notice that the man was amused by her niece's condition. She shifted over to make space for Ginerva. However, Seto situated his bride upon the opposite seat. Eva quickly checked on her niece to ensure she was still alive before returning her gaze to their savior. She watched him recoil his whip and reattach it to his belt.

Eva had not anticipated Seto to be joining them in the vehicle. When he did, she squeezed herself into the far corner. "My Ginny can sit next to me," she suggested.

Seto wanted to snap at the elderly woman that his bride was not her Ginny. She was his. He opted not to respond to her. He nevertheless took up the entire space opposite from her. Then he lifted his bride onto his lap.

Eva saw how gentle he was when touching her niece. The tips of his fingers lingered on Ginny's cheek as he tucked her face into the crook of his neck.

Ginerva breathed out a small sigh.

Eva wasn't sure what to make of the young man. The stagecoach was already in motion when she attempted to strike up a conversation with him. "My name is Eva Aviña, young man. The lovely lady you just rescued is my niece. Her name is Ginerva Salvatore."

"No," Seto answered in a firm tone. "Her name is Ginerva Kaiba." After delivering that forceful declaration, he fixed his focus to staring out the window.

Eva continued to gape at him. He was young and possessed a strong profile. "Why are you helping us?" she inquired. "You won't convince me that you work for the Salvatore family," she said with a firm nod. "Did a Kaiba send you?"

He didn't answer her.

Eva sighed before shifting her attention to her niece. She prayed Ginerva would hurry up and finish her swoon so she could resolve the confusion. "I've come to rely on that child you're carrying in your arms, señor. I can't bear the notion of anything bad happening to her."

"She isn't a child," Seto snappily retorted.

Eva smiled. "No, she isn't, but I still consider her such," she said. "Ginerva is such an innocent, trusting soul. She favors her mama's side of the family."

She cast another glance across at Ginerva. "I do not believe she has ever fainted before. Of course, the last two weeks must have been extremely taxing for her. There are shadows beneath her eyes. She clearly hasn't slept well. Her concern for me, you see," she continued with a wheeze. "She must have witnessed something horrible to make her swoon. What do you think...?"

She stopped speculating when she heard him chuckle; the man was quite unusual, as he found humor in even the most bizarre things.

And then he explained himself. "She saw me."

Ginerva began to stir. She felt dizzy, disoriented, and incredibly warm. She pushed her nose against the heat, breathed the clean, masculine scent, and sighed contentedly.

"I do believe she's coming around," Eva muttered. "Thank goodness."

Ginerva slowly shifted her attention to her aunt. "Coming around?" she inquired through an unladylike yawn.

"You swooned, dear."

"I didn't," Ginerva whispered, clearly appalled. "I never faint. I…" She stopped her explanation when she realized she was sitting on someone's lap. Not someone, she realized. Seto's lap. The color drained from her face. Memory was fully restored.

Eva reached over to pat her hand. "It's all right, Ginerva. This kind young man saved you."

"With a whip?" Ginerva whispered, praying she had imagined that part up. Where did Seto get a whip?

Eva nodded. "Yes, dear, he owns a whip. You must offer him your gratitude, and whatever you do, don't faint again. I do not have my smelling salts with me."

Ginerva nodded back. "I won't faint again," she said. To ensure that pledge, she decided not to look him in the eyes again. She attempted to slip off his lap without him knowing, but as soon as she began to scoot away, he tightened his arms around her hips.

She steadied herself before carefully turning to see his face. When she spoke, she purposely looked down at his shirt collar. "Seto, I appreciate you coming to defend me inside the tavern. I will be indebted to you forever."

Seto nudged her chin up with his thumb, his eyes smoldering, and she could feel her cheeks warming up. "You owe me far more than just gratitude, Ginny," he said in a husky voice, bending his face down closer to hers. Their lips were close enough to kiss.

A quiet cough pulled them from their little staring contest. Their heads snapped toward the direction of Eva's seat. Eva had been watching the entire exchange between her niece and the stranger, whom Ginerva addressed as Seto. Seto groaned, burying his head into Ginerva's shoulder as slowly the two remembered where they were and that they weren't alone.

Eva leaned forward slightly. "How do you know each other?" she inquired. In her eyes, her niece and this Seto were too comfortable with one another to have met for the first time tonight.

Ginerva turned slightly to face her aunt and answered. "Do you remember that boy I always talked about as a young girl?" she asked and the older woman nodded in response. "This is him; this is the same boy. His name is Seto Kaiba; my childhood best friend."

"Ah, yes, now I remember." Eva announced as she snapped her fingers. Ginerva's face became bright pink with embarrassment as Eva spoke the next words in her native tongue. "Segundo o que recordo que dixeches, sentías unha intensa atracción por el. Xa vexo por que; é guapo."

Ginerva felt Seto's chest vibrate against her as he chuckled. She rolled her eyes at his peculiar conduct and proceeded to explain to her aunt what Seto would not say. Especially given the older woman's bewildered expression. "I taught Seto to speak Galician as children, so he was aware of everything you said. When he chuckled, it was directed at me not you."

Eva was experiencing far more than simply her niece's feelings for Seto. In her opinion, Seto had difficulty keeping his gaze away from Ginerva. The younger boy's eyes possessed a warm gleam in them, something her own brother-in-law lacked when it came to her sister.

"I don't have any coins left," Ginerva remarked, attempting to change the subject. "I used everything I had to secure passage for our trip. Are you taking us to the harbor?"

Seto nodded.

"I do have a silver chain. Will that be payment enough?"


The abruptness of his response annoyed her. She cast him a disappointed look for acting so obnoxious. "But I really don't have more to offer you," she continued.

The stagecoach had come to a stop. Seto opened the door. He moved at extraordinary speed for such a tall man. He was outside the stagecoach, helping Eva to the ground before Ginerva could adjust her skirt. He had all but left her in the corner of the stagecoach. His arms were suddenly around her waist again. Ginerva had only a moment to retrieve her blazer from where Eva had left it and put it back on, before she got carried out like a sack of feed.

She objected as Seto wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her up against his side. "I can stand on my own two feet, you know." Ginerva was getting ready to repeat herself when Seto gave a piercing whistle. The moonlit area had been absolutely uninhabited until that point. Within the blink of an eye, she was fully surrounded by men.

Seto's loyal crew stared at Ginerva. They acted as though they'd never seen a pretty woman before. He looked down at his bride to see how she was reacting to their stares of obvious adoration. Ginerva wasn't paying any attention to the men, though. She was occupied glaring up at him. Seto almost smiled in reaction.

He gave her a quick squeeze to get her to quit her show of insolence, then turned his attention to the old woman. "Do you have any baggage?"

"Do we, Ginny?" Eva asked.

Ginerva attempted to push herself away from her anchor before responding. "I told you I required no help standing," she grumbled. "Now unhand me."

Seto didn't budge. Ginerva gave up. "Yes, Eva, we do have baggage. I borrowed some of my mother's things for you to wear. I'm sure she won't mind. Caius stored the bags at the Mango storefront. Shall we go and collect them?" She tried to take a step forward and found herself hauled up against Seto again.

Seto located his man Jabari at the back of the crowd and signaled for him.

A tall, dark-skinned man approached Ginerva. Her eyes widened when she saw the near-giant. She stared at him for a long time before concluding that she had never met anyone before him who had what appeared to be enormous black circular items stretching out their earlobes. Regardless of the reason, whether for cultural norms or personal taste, it looked to be painful. Ginerva restrained her need to cringe at the sight.

He must have noticed her gaze on him, for he quickly focused his entire concentration on her. He folded his enormous arms across his chest and scowled at her.

She scowled back.

A sudden sparkle formed in his dark eyes, and he gave her a broad smile. She wasn't sure what to make about that unusual behavior.

"Have two men see to the baggage, Jabari," Seto ordered. "We'll board Kaiser at first light." He motioned to another man. When a thick-muscled though squat-framed older man came forward, Seto nodded toward Eva. "Take care of the elderly woman, Aiden."

Eva let out a gasp. Ginerva assumed it was because they were about to be separated. But before she could protest with Seto, her aunt straightened her shoulders and walked slowly over to stand right in front of him. "I'm not an elderly woman, and I take offense to such an insult. I'm only one year past fifty, young man, and feeling as spry as can be."

Seto's eyes widened slightly, but his smile remained restrained. A strong gust of wind might topple the woman, so fragile did she appear to him, but she spoke with the authority of a commanding officer.

"You should apologize for offending my aunt, Seto," Ginerva informed him. Before he could respond, she returned her gaze to her aunt. "Please forgive Seto, Aunt Eva. He's not usually this rude."

Seto shook his head. The conversation was ridiculous to him. "Aiden, move," he ordered in a clipped voice.

Eva turned to the man hovering by her side. "And just where do you think you're taking me?"

In answer, Aiden lifted Eva into his arms.

"Put me down, you rascal."

"It's all right, lovey," Aiden replied. "You look a might peaked to me. You don't weigh more than a feather."

Eva was going to complain again. His next inquiry made her pause. "Now, where did you get your bruises? Give me the name of the bloody infidel, and I'll gladly slash his throat for you."

Eva smiled at the man who was holding her. She estimated Aiden's age to be close to her own and noted how fit he appeared to be. She hadn't blushed in years, but the intense heat in her cheeks told her she was doing so right now. "Thank you, sir," she mumbled as she put the bun back onto the top of her head. "That is certainly a kind offer."

Ginerva was astounded by her aunt's actions. She was batting her eyes and being flirtatious toward the stranger. She observed the couple until they were no longer visible, then realized that the swarm of men had also disappeared. She was suddenly left alone with her savior.

"Is my Aunt Eva going to be safe with that man?" she demanded to know.

His answer was a low growl of obvious irritation.

"Does that mean yes or no?" she asked.

"Yes," he answered with a sigh after she poked him in his ribs.

"Please let me go, Seto."

He actually did what she asked. Ginerva was so shocked that she almost lost her balance. She turned and stood in front of him, face-to-shoulder. The tips of her shoes touched the tips of his boots. "So... what's next once Aunt Eva is safely returned home?"

"You'll be traveling home with me to Japan. But we're taking the scenic route back." Seto grinned after giving his explanation. He decided to wait a bit longer before providing her the details.

His bride still had freckles on the bridge of her nose. He was happy with this fact. It reminded him of the small hellion that he used to chase around the Kaiba Manor grounds. However, Ginerva was no longer a young girl. She'd also grown up rather beautifully. She was clearly still a hellion, though.

Seto couldn't help but imagine Ginerva nude underneath him, completely bound and at his mercy in bed, writhing and screeching with delight as he made passionate love to her. He eagerly anticipated the future in which he would have her all to himself. The mere thought of his intentions for his bride gave him an immense hard-on.

Ginerva poked him in the chest to get his attention back. "I asked what you meant by 'taking the scenic route'." She repeated once he returned from whatever dreamland he was in.

"You still owe me, Ginny." Seto grinned at her. Her cheeks were flushed, adding to the beautiful sight in front of him. His gaze fixed on her lips. Her lips were just as rosy.

"Are you seriously jumping on that issue again?"

His slow nod irritated her. He was truly enjoying himself. Ginerva's outrage subsided as soon as she recognized this. The sooner she compensated him, she reasoned, the better. But first, she needed to figure out what it was he wanted.

"All right," she agreed with him. "I owe you. There, we are completely in agreement. Now, please tell me exactly what you want from me, and I will try to make payment."

Seto gave in to his sudden urge.

Before she could back away, he gripped her shoulders. He drew her up to his chest and ran one hand through her long ponytail. Her hair felt silky to him. He made a fist with the locks, then yanked her head back, tilting her face up toward him. He told himself it was solely for his own peace of mind that he was going to kiss her, knowing full well that once he stated what he wanted, she would scream.

"Because you want to know," Seto began to say. His lips were moving close to hers. Unlike in the stagecoach, no one was present to prevent what was about to happen. "What I want is... a wedding night."

His mouth settled on hers just in time to capture her gasp.

Ginerva was simply too stunned to react at first. His mouth was hard, hot, incredibly demanding. He was drowning her with his warmth, his taste, his masculine scent.

Seto wanted her reaction and was not disappointed. Their lips moved in perfect harmony, and Ginerva felt an incredible rush of wantonness as their tongues glided and merged over one other. His stubble bristled against her lips as he kissed more fiercely than previously, causing a pleasant friction.

She had no idea she was kissing him back, or that the sounds she was hearing belonged to them. She put her arms around his neck and clung to him.

Seto only gently kissed her after she started cooperating. He could feel the heat within her and wanted to get closer, closer. His hands slipped beneath her skirt to cup her ass, and he carefully lifted her off the ground, bringing her pelvis into contact with his own, before pulling her hard against his arousal.

His mouth slanted over hers repeatedly. What he really wanted was to throw her on the ground, yank her skirt up to her waist, tear off her panties, and bury himself within her. Seto realized he was about to lose all sense of discipline. His hunger demanded to be satisfied.

The whistling and hoots of amusem*nt cut through his subconscious. Sarutawari, KaibaCorp's long-time security, was openly enjoying the view from the second-story window. He wasn't alone. He was joined by Kogoro Diamon and Shuzo Otaki, who stood on either side of him.

Seto attempted to pull away from Ginerva.

She refused to let go of him. She pulled on his hair to encourage him to deepen the kiss. He responded to her wordless request with a low growl. The kiss they shared was blatantly carnal, but when her lovely tongue stroked against his, he forced himself to stop.

The two were equally out of breath when they separated. Ginerva could not seem to hold her footing. She sank forward to lean against Seto. One hand lay on her chest, and she let out a raspy whisper. "Oh, my."

Only Otaki and Diamon had the foresight to make themselves scarce once their boss had stopped kissing his bride. Sarutawari didn't. He gave his employer a cheeky grin and two thumbs way up. Seto glared up at the window before returning his gaze to Ginerva. When he saw her bemused expression, he couldn't help but feel immensely pleased. He wanted to kiss her again.

He scowled when he noticed his hands were shaking. The kiss had affected him a little more than he'd thought. It took Ginerva much longer to recover. She was trembling from head to foot. She had no idea a kiss could be so… thorough. When she finally summoned enough strength to look up at him, he had his eyes on her, his pupils dilated with desire, and she could tell he would have gone much further if his staff hadn't intervened.

Seto grabbed her arm as she moved away from him, forcing her back to face him. He pushed her against the side of a neighboring structure that resembled a dragon statue, pressed his lips against the pulse point in her neck, and muttered, "I'm not a very patient man when I want something as badly as I want you." His breath was warm, and teasing against her skin.

Ginerva shuddered in reaction. "Seto, we shouldn't make them wait." She muttered, but her comment went ignored.

"If only you knew how badly I want to f*ck you right now," Seto whispered, and she could feel his lips twist up in a smile. His left hand slid back beneath her skirt, resting on her lace-covered ass. "But I'm not going to. Not now, but soon. I'm looking forward to our wedding night."

The Maiden with Eyes of Blue - Chapter 7 - Star_of_the_Sea1 (2024)
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.