enthralled - deistic (divinejoon) - House of the Dragon (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

“I must tell you something,” Aeron whispers, keeping his eyes on the sky above, littered with stars now that night has set in.

Davos knows something is amiss with the omega, had sensed it from the moment they’d arrived here a few hours ago. He’s picked up on a lot of Bracken’s small habits since they started doing this, whatever this is. It’s been almost two years of secret meetings shared between them and Davos doesn’t think it possible that Bracken can hide anything from him these days.

They’re laid out on the tall grass, on their cloaks after having given in to their desires for the last hour. The air around them smells of cum, slick, and sweat. It’s a delicious smell to Davos, one he recalls fondly whenever he’s longing for the omega, wrapping one hand around himself in search of relief when he’s in his den.

Before, his perverse thoughts were filled with random omegas who served him in taverns and at home but now, only one omega with long brown hair dominates them. Davos dreams of the omega late at night when the feeling strikes, recalling the feeling of having his knot wrapped around the omega’s warmth, and tasting him on his tongue.

“What?” Davos indulges Bracken, knowing how painfully reserved the omega can still be from time to time. He’d sooner hold the words for eternity if Davos did not respond. He’s stubborn like that, just the way Davos likes him.

Davos reaches out and twirls a strand of Bracken’s long hair between his fingers, pulling at it to get a reaction, like he’s a pup with a crush. He can’t help but tease the omega every now and then, it is in his nature to provoke, especially a Bracken—this Bracken.

Bracken will usually turn and growl at him for the taunting but tonight, his pretty eyes stay glued to the stars as if they hold the answers to every problem in this bloody life.

“I cannot read your mind, Bracken,” Davos reminds him, moving his hand from the omega’s hair to his lips—lips still a dark pink from when he’d been sucking Davos off earlier. And Gods, does he know how to use that mouth of his to make Davos crumble to his knees?

“My uncle summoned me to his study yesterday, claiming he had an urgent matter to discuss with me,” Bracken admits, letting Davos pull at his lips to expose his teeth.

His scent turns sour with frustration. Davos takes it that whatever that c*nt of an alpha told the omega, it is nothing good. He isn’t surprised, given the man’s house and alliances.

“Has your uncle finally come to his senses and realized you are the furthest thing from a knight?” Bracken grins as he runs his thumb across Bracken’s bottom lip.

“Do not be a fool,” Bracken growls as he frowns. “It was not that but something…something much worse in my opinion,” he reveals, finally reaching his breaking point with the teasing as he grabs at Davos’ wrist.

To the alpha’s surprise, Bracken does not release his wrist, instead, keeps a tight grip on it as if needing the support. It is very unlike him, not usually one to show that he requires comfort. He prefers to suffer in silence in save face. Davos finds that quite funny, given that he’s seen the omega in several compromising situations. If Davos thought little of Bracken as a knight before they started this, he thinks less of him now, when he’s seen the omega in the woes of lust, eyes glazed over, and lips parted as he moans Davos’ name.

“My uncle has chosen a mate for me,” the omega confesses, holding onto Davos’ wrist with a trembling hand and immediately bringing the alpha out of his lustful thoughts. “He has scheduled the marriage for the tenth moon of this year.”

For as much as Davos taunts the omega, he finds that he cannot find any humor in this. He frowns at the news, scent turning sour with rage and jealousy. He was expecting many things but not this. He finds himself extremely displeased, more than he is surely allowed to be.

The marriage is to take place in three months, that’s absurd! That damned uncle of his is planning something and he’s using Bracken as a chess piece to get ahead.

Perhaps Davos has been foolish, thinking that Bracken would always be his to have. Never did it cross his mind that this privilege could be taken from him, by those he despises most in the world. He finds that he does not like, thinking back to his childhood whenever he was denied anything by his parents and nannies.

“Did you deny him?” Davos demands, sitting up with wild eyes and pulling his wrist free.

Bracken finally looks at him with sharp eyes full of rage. “Are you mad?” The omega demands. “He is my lord!” He reminds Davos. “As if I could ever do such a thing!”

Davos grits his teeth and pulls Bracken up into a sitting position with a tight grip on his upper arm.

“Why do you care what happens to me, Blackwood?” Bracken growls, pulling at Davos’ grip but the alpha refuses to let go, instead tightening his hold until his knuckles turn white. “Do not pretend you care about me, you brute of an alpha!”

Davos knows he is being irrational. When this started between them, he never had any expectation anything would come of it, but now, two years later, he finds that he needs something to come of it. His instincts are foolish, more than himself, he finds, and they recognize this omega as his and his alone. They’d rather commit an atrocious act of violence than let the omega be taken from him, even if he is a Bracken.

The mere thought of someone else having him makes Davos feral with the need to draw his weapon and seek blood.

“Has anything we’ve done and said between us meant nothing to you?” Davos demands, pulling Bracken in closer. “Answer me, Bracken!”

“Why does it matter?” Bracken frowns. “Did you truly believe we had a chance of being together?” He hisses. “You are a Blackwood, and I am a Bracken! There was never a chance any union between us would be approved and welcomed with open arms. Don’t be a fool.”

“Tell me!” Davos seethes, reaching up to grip Bracken’s nape with his other hand and pulling him in closer until their faces are nearly smushed together. “Did this ever mean anything to you?”

Bracken looks down, refusing to meet the alpha’s intense glare. “Why does it matter?” He whispers. “Soon, you will be mated off as well whenever your lord deems it necessary, and you will forget about me.”

Davos laughs, maniac-like and without a trace of humor in the sound. He tightens his grip on the omega’s nape, making Bracken shudder, and presses their foreheads together. “You truly believe I could forget about you that easily?” He whispers. “Have I been that f*cking insincere in my actions toward you?”

Bracken tries to pull away, but Davos doesn’t let him. “Stop it, Blackwood,” he growls but his words are weak. “Don’t make this harder than it needs to be.”

“When this alpha has you, will he know that I’ve already taken you in every position known to man, time and time again?” Davos whispers, panting warm air in the omega’s face. He grins as the smell of fresh slick begins to fill the air “Will he know I was the first and most memorable, that it is my knot you beg and moan for? Will he know my face and touch will be what crosses your mind when he beds and breeds you? Will he know you are no omegan maiden but one I’ve had the pleasure of deflowering?” He demands, reaching forward with his tongue to trace the seam of the omega’s lips. The action only intensifies the smell of fresh slick. “Will you tell him you like your alphas cruel in bed, like it when they taunt and tease you until you weep?”

Bracken flushes down to his neck and his pupils dilate at Davos’ words. His hands rest on Davos’ forearms for support. He shakes his head, but Davos only tightens his grip on the omega’s nape.

Davos laughs and leans closer, manhandling the omega into his lap until his co*ck rests directly over the omega’s wet heat. “He won’t care for you like I do, pretty, no one in this life ever will.”

This time, Bracken growls and reaches up to shove at Davos’ chest with his hands, knocking him on his back.

Stop it!” Bracken demands, shoving at Davos again and again as his eyes water and his lips quiver. “Do not pretend as if you care about me!” He seethes. “Do not pretend you will miss me or even think of me in a year’s time when some other omega has already replaced me in your pathetic life!”

Davos has learned a lot about Bracken in the past two years, with and without the omega telling him verbally. He knows Bracken aims to please and craves praise. He knows the omega’s lord and family do not value him the way they should, seeing him only as an omega that can be used for political gain in a marriage. He knows it is difficult for the omega to let others in and he does not easily trust because he is afraid of what might come.

He growls, deep and angry, and tackles Bracken down onto his back. He wastes no time in climbing over the omega and holding him down by his forearms. “I’ve told you once already, stop assuming what I think and feel when it comes to you, Bracken!”

The omega bares his teeth in response. “How could I assume anything different?” He hisses. “You and I still fight in front of others to keep face, do we not?” He throws in Davos’ face. He does not lie, it is true, but it is necessary to conceal their secret affair. “You expect me to believe you care for me if I were to deny my uncle and house?”

Yes,” Davos hisses back, knowing fully well this omega has him out of his mind. Gods, he wonders what his ancestors must think of him in this moment. “If I did not care, I would have boasted to my entire house the first I had you on my knot!” He points out. “I wouldn’t have cared for the consequences that fell upon you, silly omega!”

“You have gone mad!” Bracken states, fighting against Davos’ hold like a wild horse in need of taming. “Let go of me!”

“Go then!” Davos feeds into the fire of their argument, never one to back down once the fight has begun. It is an ugly trait that burns in his veins. “Go and mate this c*nt and be nothing more than his omega and brooding mare, forget about me if you think so little of me!” He demands but yet, his hands do not release the omega, letting him know his words hold no real heat behind them.

Something in Bracken’s face shatters at the words. He looks betrayed, as if not having expected to hear those ugly, vile words come from Davos’ lips. He’s taken them to heart, just as he always does with people’s words.

“You act so high and mighty in front of your house, like a proper knight, so go on and leave,” Davos demands in a low growl. “Such a proper Bracken, are you not?”

“If I had my own way, I would refuse my uncle!” Bracken cries, struggling again. “But it is not as simple as you must think!” He stresses. “I would have nothing if I went against my family!”

“It could be that simple,” Davos whispers, feeling some of the anger leave him at the prospect of a solution to this disaster and seeing the omega’s response. He has always been an opportunist and being presented a chance to obtain something he has wanted for months now only fuels the desire in him. “Come home with me and be my proper omega.”

Bracken looks at him with wide eyes full of shock before he starts to laugh as the tears slide down his face toward his ears. “You’ve truly gone mad, I fear, Blackwood.”

Davos growls, finding the omega’s reaction irritating. It is so easy to forget at times that this omega belongs to the Brackens. Davos’ infatuation with him often blinds him to the fact.

“I understand it is easy to forgo the difficult route and choose the cowardly one, it is in your blood after all,” Davos sneers. “You are a Bracken.”

“I am not a coward!” Bracken defends himself, pushing against Davos’ hold on his arms with newfound strength. “I am a knight!”

“This again?” Davos rolls his eyes. “You are the furthest thing from a knight, omega, have you not yet realized that?” He frowns. “Your uncle only knighted you out of appearance but look at him, mating you off the first opportunity he gets!” He points out. “You surely were of no great need to him, were you?”

“As if you could offer me a different fate!” The omega growls.

“I could offer you happiness!” Davos seethes at him. “You would be mine and bear my children but at least I would see you as my equal!” He points out. “You would want for nothing and have everything your bloody uncle and house could only wish to give you!”

Bracken’s face scrunches in anger. “As if your house would ever accept me.”

“They would because you would be mine,” Davos declares. “They would see you as mine and let you be. You would be a Blackwood’s omega under my cousin’s approval.”

Bracken tries to buck Davos off again in a fit of rage. “How is that a better fate than being mated to an ally of my uncle?!” He demands. “I would risk losing who I am, a Bracken! And for what?” He growls. “To be a Blackwood’s bed warmer and pop out a litter for him?”

“You would be my mate and I would love you until the damned Stranger comes for me!” Davos growls back, finding his patience wearing thin. “f*ck your uncle and f*ck you for doubting me!”

“It all seems so easy to you,” the omega hisses but his face flushes at Davos’ almost confession of love. His scent turns sweeter, letting Davos know just how much of an impact those words have on him.

“Why can’t it be?” Davos insists. “You bloody Brackens are the ones that always have to go and complicate things.”

Bracken closes his eyes and gives one lost struggle before losing the fight in him. “I hate you so much, Davos,” he lies, clear as day.

Davos leans down to lick at the omega’s tears and his neck, grinning now. This fight isn’t over, far from it, and once he gets back home to Raventree Hall, he’ll have important matters to discuss with his cousin, the lord of his own house. But for now, he’ll enjoy his omega and the time they have left together until they must part ways—for now.

“Do you?” Davos whispers, licking at Bracken’s pulse.

“So much,” Bracken whispers, tangling his hands in Davos’ hair once the alpha sets them free. “You understand that tonight is the last time I can see you like this?”

Davos rolls his eyes, but the omega doesn’t notice. “If you insist on that being the f*cking case,” he decides to play stupid, nosing at the omega’s scent glands to spread his scent on them like he owns them.

There is no reason to keep pestering the omega with things he can handle on his own. His own father, an alpha, is always lecturing him about the qualities a Blackwood alpha should possess when it comes to being a mate and well, Davos supposes it is time to put them to use as well as his political and negotiating skills with his cousin.

Bracken pulls at Davos’ hair, making him hiss, and pulls his head out of the omega’s neck.

“If you wanted me to kiss you, you could always just f*cking ask,” Davos taunts, capturing the omega into a deep kiss as his hands reach down to settle on his naked thighs, greedily squeezing and smacking.

They never did put clothes back on after they finished f*cking earlier. Davos supposes they might be growing too bold, but he bested a few of his fellow men just a fortnight ago, and as his reward, he’s having them stand watch, thinking he’s enjoying the wet heat of a random omega, when the reality is much riskier. He’s done the same for them, he trusts them. It took him a while for Bracken to let him be this bold and take him like this, but Davos can be convincing when needed and when his knot is involved.

Bracken preens under him, letting Davos shove his tongue in and lick him all over. Davos feels greedy as he tastes the omega, settling once again between his legs as his co*ck grows hard once more.

Davos can never seem to get enough of Bracken, always finding himself growing ravenous in the omega’s presence. Bracken is so responsive to his touch, always slicking up at a kiss and well, Davos is only human and a greedy one at that.

“You’re sloppy,” Davos taunts against Bracken’s lips as he slips a hand between them and thrusts two fingers into the omega’s wet heat, finding it still covered in his cum from earlier. “Who made you like this, tell me?” He demands, delivering the words right into Bracken’s mouth.

Bracken is painfully shy when it comes to things such as these and doesn’t reply, instead, sharply inhales as he stares into Davos’ eyes with narrowed eyes.

“I asked you a question, omega,” Davos clicks his tongue, moving his fingers faster as he f*cks his cum back in.

That gets a response from the omega. His eyes flutter and his lips part at Davos’ touch.

You,” Bracken pants as Davos adds another finger.

“Only me?” Davos whispers, enjoying watching the omega’s face scrunch from his touch. He pulls his fingers out and brings his hand down in quick succession on the omega’s wet heat, making him squirm.

Tell me,” Davos demands, needing to hear confirmation before he goes mad with jealousy for an unknown alpha.

He isn’t sure when he developed such possessive feelings over the omega but they’ve long since been planted and grown deep roots, showing no signs of leaving.

Every moan, whine, and sound that leaves Bracken’s lips belongs to Davos, and only him. He can never let anyone else see the omega like this, no, this belongs to Davos and him alone. Just the simple notion of knowing that Davos had him first makes the alpha growl in approval, once again feeding that possessive monster inside of him. He can’t let anyone else have the omega, not when he already belongs to Davos.

Bracken tightens his hold on Davos’ hair and impatiently nods. “Yes, just you,” he whispers, gasping when Davos thrusts his fingers back into him as a reward.

Mine,” Davos reminds him, bringing the omega to org*sm before replacing his fingers with his co*ck.

He rubs his co*ckhead against Bracken’s wet heat, mostly to tease, and partially to spread his musk all over the omega. It’s difficult not to outright shove right into the hilt but he’d never want to hurt Bracken, despite popular belief. Perhaps one day, when he gets the pleasure of having Bracken in heat, flushed and impatient, in his den he’ll do that.

That fantasy alone has Davos eagerly f*cking his co*ck into Bracken, hissing as the omega’s wet heat sucks him back in and tightens around him.

f*ck,” Davos growls as he braces himself on his forearms and starts a brutal pace.

Bracken closes his eyes and wraps his legs around Davos’ waist, pulling him in closer.

Davos finds that he enjoys this position given that he can see the omega’s face perfectly, can see his eyes scrunch when Davos f*cks into him particularly hard and fast, can see his eyes water from the pleasure, can see his pretty lips become slick with their combined spit, and gets a front row view to the flush that often spreads across Bracken’s pale skin.

Bracken isn’t one for conversation when they f*ck, a complete contrast to him when they fight, but Davos fills the silence with vile praise—praise that makes the omega tighten around him as if trying to milk his co*ck dry.

Good, Davos thinks, already conjuring the images of the omega round with his child.

He can feel his knot begin to grow just from the mere thought of it. He gives into his fantasies and lets himself imagine Bracken surrounded by a brood of his wild children, hopefully resembling them both, all begging for the omega’s attention with impatient pulls at his clothing, demanding to be carried or doted on by their softer parent. They’d probably push Davos away, not wanting to share the omega’s attention but Davos would probably tease them and bring their father in for a kiss just to make his children angry. They’d be Blackwoods after all.

Parenthood would suit Bracken, he is certainly no knight, far from it. He’s far too fair and pretty for all that grotesque sh*t. He should be kept and who better to keep him than Davos? Bracken would have no need for those damned scent suppressors and heat teas his idiotic house has him wear and drink. He’d be able to wear his scent freely, mixed with Davos’ scent, and go into heat whenever he needed, because Davos would tend to him like a good mate.

Davos has already made amends with himself that whoever the omega’s uncle has chosen for him risks the chance of dying at Davos’ hands. He knows the omega is beautiful and at the mere thought of another person recognizing that makes Davos want to slip into a frenzy. This omega is for his eyes only.

He swears to be a good mate to Bracken, a good alpha, sure, he lacks patience but for Bracken and their future children, he’ll learn it. He certainly has learned not to hate a Bracken, so surely anything is possible in this life.

The past marriages between Blackwoods and Brackens have failed, Davos is painfully aware, given that their houses’ distaste for one another still lives after so many years but perhaps the right people in their houses haven’t wed. Perhaps, he can change everything, he just needs a chance, that’s it. He’ll petition his cousin and make his lord see his point of view. And Bracken, well, Bracken will understand in time, Davos is sure of it.

Davos sits back on his heels and manhandles Bracken, throwing the omega’s legs over his thighs as he keeps f*cking him with a new urgency.

Alpha,” Bracken pants, clearly seeing a new set of stars as Davos f*cks the daylights out of him as if he’s a man possessed.

“Take what I give you,” Davos groans, reaching one hand forward and gently pressing it against the omega’s empty stomach.

“Please,” Bracken begs so sweetly, making Davos grin like a maniac.

“What if I pupped you?” Davos whispers, thrusting faster and making their skin wet with sweat from the exertion. “Would you like that?” He demands, tightening his hold on Bracken’s thighs and flat stomach.

f*ck,” Bracken whines in response and tightens around Davos’ co*ck, clearly enjoying the mental image as well.

Davos slides his hand up the omega’s torso until he reaches his chest, keeping the other hand on the omega’s hip for leverage. He can’t resist pinching at Bracken’s nipples until the skin around them grows red from his touch.

“I’d give you as many as you wanted,” Davos keeps blabbering. “I’d keep you on my knot whenever you weren’t and keep you close,” he swears. “You’d grow soft everywhere, and I wouldn’t be able to resist devouring you night and night again after those little monsters were put to bed.”

Davos!” Bracken moans, cumming all over Davos’ co*ck.

Davos’ knot starts to expand and bump against the omega’s wet heat, making Davos grin as he climbs back over Bracken. He sucks a nipple into his mouth, impatiently bullying it, biting and sucking at it before moving on to the next one.

“Better learn to handle me if you ever plan to handle my children. Blackwood babes are greedy little things,” Davos taunts, moving up to lick the omega’s lips again. “Do you want my knot, omega?”

Bracken nods, looking like a dream, with his hair spread around like as if he’s something divine and a beautiful flush to his face. “Please,” he shyly begs, swallowing when Davos starts f*cking the knot into him with new intent.

“Have it,” Davos growls, nipping at Bracken’s lips. “It’s yours, it’s always been yours,” he swears to the old Gods above as he kisses him again, groaning into the kiss as his knot finally catches and locks them together.

Bracken slides his hands up Davos’ back and digs his nails in, making the alpha hiss and bite down on the omega’s bottom lip in return.

Davos c*ms over and over, kissing Bracken the entire time. It feels glorious, so much so that he cannot resist sliding a hand down and thumbing at where they’re connected, making the omega whine at the touch.

“It’s yours,” Davos promises, shuddering when Bracken tightens around him. “No one is taking it from you,” he reassures the omega. “It’s always been yours,” he whispers before grinning again. “Now, be a good omega and give me a healthy alpha child in nine moons from now,” he feeds into his fantasies, making Bracken inhale sharply at his words.

He basks in the omega’s scent at the moment, now tainted with a sweet smell of being full and satisfied. Bracken smells just like him for the time being, only fueling his possessive urges further. He wants the omega to smell like this all the damned time.

Gods, he cannot even begin to imagine how the omega’s scent would smell when he is round with Davos’ child.

But for now, that’s all a fantasy, because when all of this is over, Bracken will drink that damned tea he always brings with him to bring his scent back to normal and rub herbs on himself to mask the scent and his clothes even further.

Just for tonight, Davos reminds himself in order to regain some sort of patience, if not, he’s certain he’d take Bracken home with him tonight. Then, he’s mine.

Davos can’t resist the opportunity to mark Bracken further just to soothe his instincts. He takes the cum that’s leaking out of the omega from around his knot and rubs it into his skin, preening when the omega’s scent turns headier with the alpha’s own smell.

Bracken tries to catch his breath as they part, throwing a hand over his eyes. He removes it only to look right into Davos’ eyes with a mixed expression and carefully reaches his hands forward to cup the alpha’s face tenderly. They rarely share soft touches like this, it almost startles Davos but he quickly finds that he likes it a lot more than he ever thought he would.

“What is it?” Davos whispers, finding the moment rather intimate as he stares into the omega’s eyes, trying to embed every part of his face to memory, from his long eyelashes to his pretty nose. He loves this omega, he’s sure of it, despite the fact that he’s a bloody Bracken. “Tell me.”

Bracken shakes his head and pulls Davos in, kissing him sweetly, with emotion, and as if he is already mourning them. He kisses Davos like he’s saying goodbye.

Davos kisses him back with more passion, letting all the possessiveness and love that he feels bleed into the kiss until he’s sure it is suffocating. He wraps his arms around Bracken’s waist and pulls him in close, pouring his loyalty and intent into the kiss. He does not ever want Bracken to doubt the way Davos feels for him ever again.

For now, he’ll let Bracken think he’s accepting the fate his c*nt of an uncle is bestowing upon them. He’ll let things play out for the time being but when the iron is hot, he’ll strike, just as he always does. He won’t let his heart’s greatest desire slip away, not without a fight.

If you had asked him two years ago if he’d fight for a Bracken, he would have looked at you as if you’d gone mad, but now, he’d tell you yes, there is one Bracken and one alone that he’d easily scour the world for—Aeron Bracken.

“I love you, Davos,” Aeron whispers, the words barely audible, as if he’s afraid to speak them out loud into the world.

Davos says nothing in return, just smashes their lips together again and flips them over, tucking Bracken’s face into the crook of his neck as they stay knotted together for the next couple of minutes. He tosses his cloak over them to shield the omega from being exposed and tightens his hold on Aeron until the omega can barely breathe.

He can smell Aeron’s sad scent and feel the omega’s tears drip on his skin. Aeron holds onto him so tightly, clearly mourning them already and basking in this last moment but all the while, Davos comforts him with soft touches as he stares up into the stars and begins to plan his next moves in his head.

Aeron’s uncle and house might think they’ve succeeded but they have already made their first mistake—underestimating how far a Blackwood alpha will go for their heart’s greatest desire.

Davos works quickly and meticulously after they part.

His cousin, Lord Samwell, listens to his plea and promises to grant Davos what he desires the most, but Davos cannot be idiotic about it. He must play it smart and take Aeron when the moment is right; anything less will cause far too much conflict.

“There are whispers that Lord Amos Bracken will declare for Aegon Targaryen,” someone confesses to Davos one night after a long, bloody day of work. “That c*nt.”

“For Aegon Targaryen?” Davos listens and heeds the words.

He knows very well his own cousin, Lord Samwell, plans to declare for Rhaenyra Targaryen, after everything that has come to light and because it is in their best interest.

Davos is not shocked the lousy Lord of House Bracken would declare for a false king, a usurper nonetheless…but this, this presents Davos will an opportunity like no other.

So, for tonight, he listens and plans as his thoughts are filled with the images of a certain omega that will soon be his. He goes to the goldsmith the next day and commissions a ring fit for his beloved.

Davos’ opportunity comes sooner than expected one cloudy morning only a few weeks following his last meeting with Aeron.

A villager comes to report that the Brackens have once again moved the stones that create their barriers. Lord Samwell wastes no time ordering Davos to go and deal with the nuisance, even more so when it is learned that a certain Bracken omega is within the mix.

Davos heads toward the conflict with a certain aura to him, as if he is a predator heading out to hunt his next meal.

He orders his den to be prepared and that his marriage and mating ceremony be scheduled for a week’s time. His parents and lord think him insane for planning ahead when he does not even have the omega, he seeks but Davos is confident, he will return with Aeron, even if it kills him.

Davos finds Aeron and a few others from House Bracken standing near the barrier, stones clearly moved.

Bracken!” Davos calls out, eyes narrowed on his prize. His urge to go over and take what is his burns to life when pretty, wide eyes meet his. “Put the boundary stones back,” he plays along to this idiotic game the Brackens keep trying to play, time and time again, knowing they will always lose.

Aeron moves closer but not as close as Davos would like him to be. “We didn’t move them,” he swears but he looks and smells nervous.

His future mate is such a horrible liar. Davos hopes he doesn’t instill that trait into their future children.

“Did they move themselves, then?” Davos demands, clicking his tongue. “Just rolled their way over so Bracken cows can fill their bellies with Blackwood grass?” He growls, knowing at the moment, he doesn’t give a single f*ck about the border or the cows.

“The assize at Riverrun—” Aeron tries to defend his house.

Davos comes closer and stops the omega before he can finish, barely being able to control himself as is. “f*ck the assize and f*ck you,” he sighs. “This is our land,” he defends, knowing soon, it’ll be Aeron’s home as well.

Aeron swallows, he is visibly nervous. Davos almost feels bad for putting him on the spot like this but it’s necessary, it’s for the omega’s own good.

He looks around at the people around them, Blackwood men and Bracken men, knowing he has no way out of his confrontation.

Davos wants to growl and divert Aeron’s attention back to him but there will be more than enough time for that later. He hopes the Bracken men get a good look at Aeron because, after today, they won’t be seeing much of him.

He almost foils his plan as Aeron turns around and walks back toward Bracken land. Davos curls his hands into fists and grits his teeth to resist the urge to pull the omega back to him and drag him to Davos’ den where he belongs.

Babe-killer,” Aeron whispers under his breath.

It’s almost too good what is happening, as if Aeron is in on this plan of Davos’. He’s practically handing his hand in marriage and neck in mating to the alpha on a golden platter.

Davos will take mercy on his lover and consider this the omega’s wedding gift to him.

“What did you say?” Davos demands, fighting the urge to chase Aeron down in the old ways of the traditional mating chase of their ancestors.

Aeron hesitates, like Davos always expects him to, but turns, scent hidden from the alpha’s nose. It makes Davos angry, not having access to Aeron like he should.

“Your false queen, Rhaenyra, is a kinslayer,” Aeron declares but he fails to meet Davos’ eyes, looking above and below him, but never right at him.

Davos feels true anger burn through him at the omega’s words. Those are not Aeron’s words; those are his c*nt of an uncle’s words. He feels rage at them influencing Aeron in their ways, they know fully well the omega thrives for praise and acceptance and will do and say anything he needs to in order to gain it.

Enough is enough.

“Your uncle declared for Aegon, did he?” Davos reveals, perhaps far too soon, but his rage overpowers his rationality.

“Well then,” Davos snarls, approaching Aeron again with a new ambiance to him. “Let me tell you, Aegon Targaryen is no true king,” he hisses in Aeron’s face, hoping the omega comes to his senses. “Just as you are no true knight,” he declares in the omega’s face, knowing he means his words fully. “You’re both craven, little c*nts!”

He shoves Aeron back hard enough to land him on his behind. He should apologize later, but he does not know if he will. Aeron has displeased him with his words and his need to follow and repeat everything his f*cking uncle believes. Besides, Davos knows Aeron, and knows that it takes more than a shove to destroy him.

Aeron surprises Davos then, and draws his sword, pointing at the alpha.

Davos starts to laugh, manic-like, as he takes in the scene. Surely, Aeron must know of Davos’ plan, given that he’s practically following the imaginary strict that Davos has created in his mind.

This is all far too glorious and proves Davos’ parents and his lord wrong, because Davos will be returning home with his prize in the end. He shall be a mated alpha in a week’s time.

But Davos, he can be a gentleman when needed, so he approaches Aeron’s drawn sword and gives him one last resort out of this marriage-to-be. His omega should be willing after all, the Blackwoods alphas might be brutes, but they aren’t savages.

“You wouldn’t dare,” Davos taunts Aeron.

Then once again, Aeron surprises him and surges forward, only this time, Davos is ready for him and disarms him easily. Davos tries to be gentle, truly he does, but Aeron has tested his patience more than enough for one day.

Davos grabs Aeron with ease and motions for the squad he brought with him to grab Aeron and seize him.

“Take him,” Davos orders as he wields Aeron’s weapon and points it toward the Bracken lands. “I dare you to come and try and retrieve him,” he snarls. “It shall not end well for you, given that you follow a false king!” He declares, having been given his cousin’s permission to yield the Brackens. “You’ve already angered House Blackwood as is when you moved the bloody stones!”

Aeron screams, loud and dramatic, as he’s dragged away, deep into Blackwood lands.

Davos doesn’t spare his omega a look. He’ll see him later and deal with him then. Surely, Davos’ omega father will have him bathed and dressed once Aeron is delivered to him.

He slays the men and soon, it turns into a bloody battle: Battle of the Burning Mill. It leaves countless dead, his cousin, Samwell, included, but also takes the life of Amos Bracken in return.

Davos suffers only a few injuries but takes great satisfaction in slaying Bracken scum with one of their own swords.

He ends up luckier than expected when he gets to slice the throat of Aeron’s mate-to-be, a pathetic excuse for an alpha that comes demanding the omega back.

Davos laughs as he kills the man, finding great pleasure in knowing Aeron is truly his now and that no one can ever take him away again, not some worthless alpha and not his dead c*nt of an uncle.

He returns home a victor, alongside side his cousin, Benjicot Blackwood, his new lord, and their cousin, Black Aly.

Aeron waits for Davos there, bathed and dressed in Blackwood clothing, presenting before him a dramatic performance of tears and anger.

But soon, Aeron sees reason, Davos makes him see it, since the Brackens are weakened following the Battle of Burning Mill, and only his and Aeron’s mating seals the peace for the time being, that is, until their future oldest son, Quentyn Blackwood, the next Blackwood heir, is killed by a Bracken in the distant future, once again inciting the feud of their houses.

Davos returns home frustrated from a long day serving his lord. He sheds his weapon and armor, wiping himself down from all the grime and blood he’s endured with a washcloth and a warm basin of water. His mate will complain if he doesn’t and Davos would rather not upset his omega tonight. He does that plenty every other day of the week, as do their rowdy children.

Dealing with the Brackens has become easier in the years following the royal civil war since their numbers were diminished but it is still a grueling task. But Davos does what he must to serve his house.

For the time being, Davos shoves his frustrations to the back of his mind as he walks toward his den, waving off servants and his children’s nannies who try and approach him. His patience is limited tonight, and he seeks relief.

He hears the sound of a little girl wailing down the hall, and cries loud and dramatic, much like an omega he knows very well. He grins at the sound and throws open the door that leads to it, taking in the pleasant sight that greets him.

Quentyn, his oldest son at six, an alpha, who resembles him in every way, but temper looks wide-eyed at his little sister, Bethany, another alpha child only four, who resembles Aeron in everything but manners, that stands before a broken toy.

“You broke it!” Bethany whines as she attempts to pummel her brother into the ground despite being smaller than him. She draws her wooden sword at the boy.

Quentyn looks toward his father and runs at him, standing behind his legs in hopes that the older alpha will save him from Bethany’s rage.

Davos laughs and scoops the little girl into his arms, taking her wooden sword. He still cannot help but grin at the wild, maniac look on his daughter’s face because she is all Aeron but lacks the omega’s shyness.

“Leave your brother be,” Davos orders his daughter, knowing she will not listen. Blackwood blood runs too hot in her veins and she already idolizes Black Aly at this tender age. He will have his hands full as she gets older, he knows it.

Davos reaches behind and threads a hand through Quentyn’s dark hair, still waiting to see the day his son grows out of his shell. He hopes it's soon given that he’ll become squire to Benjicot, their lord, soon and perhaps be named Blackwood heir one day. He takes it as an honor while Aeron believes it to be a heavy sentence to place on such a young boy.

Aeron had argued that their son should become a squire for House Bracken, to whatever alpha has taken over now as lord, Davos does not know the c*nt’s name, nor does he care, but Davos does not trust them, and would rather set himself on fire than let them near his precious children. He saw how they treated Aeron and that was enough for him.

He’d never thought he’d see the day he became so soft, but he loves his children and his mate far too deeply to be anything but devoted to them. His cousin has no wife nor heirs, so he is in agreement that Davos’ children stay on this side of the border, Quentyn especially.

“Where is your papa?” Davos asks, looking around for his mate as he swings his daughter around like she’s nothing more than a sack of food. She giggles and enjoys the ride, while Quentyn looks worried that Davos might drop her.

“With Olyver,” Quentyn quietly answers, gripping at his father’s clothing. “He wouldn’t settle with the nannies, so Papa took him into his nest for a nap,” he explains, already showing signs of being a promising heir and student at his young age. He certainly does not get that from Davos. “He told me to watch over Bethany while he was resting.”

“I am not a baby!” Bethany growls, wrapping her arms around Davos’ neck to glare down at her brother. “I do not need you to watch me!”

“Be good,” Davos attempts to scold her, meeting her narrowed eyes with his own. They hold it for a few seconds before they break into maniac laughter and smirks. “Stay with your brother while I go check on your Papa and Olyver and do not terrorize him or I shall not return your sword.”

Davos sets her down, reaching behind him to pull his son into his arms to scent and hug for a brief moment before he heads deeper into his den.

He places his daughter’s wooden sword on top of a tall dresser, knowing she will beat her brother bloody with it if given the chance. He grins when he comes across Aeron asleep on their large bed, cradling their toddler son, barely three, another alpha that resembles Davos and his bloodline but bears Aeron’s eyes and smile, in his arms with his long hair pulled to one side.

This son’s name is a Bracken name. It had been difficult for Davos to let a Blackwood babe take a Bracken name, but he finds it difficult to deny his mate much of anything these days, as long as it does not bring their small family harm, only then does Davos put his foot down.

“Have the Blackwoods finally done you in?” Davos taunts as he sits behind the omega and leans over to press a kiss to his cheek and then to his mating bite. He gently digs his teeth in, rumbling gently at the possessive sensation it brings him.

He slides a hand down Aeron’s midsection and cups his swollen belly, always one to enjoy seeing his mate with child despite already having three of them. Perhaps Davos is biased but Aeron looks better every time Davos pups him. He’s grown fuller and softer, only adding to his beauty. He is certainly no knight anymore, unless one would count the omega training their children out in their garden.

Davos, you brute,” Aeron softly scolds him for the biting as his eyes flutter open and he readjusts Olyver in his hold. “And yes, they have, your children are terrors.”

Aeron smells divine, like Davos, their home, and baby all mixed into one scent. The scent makes Davos’ mouth water, and he makes a mental note to have the nannies take the children later so he can enjoy his mate in peace and silence. He only has so much patience when it comes to sharing his beloved.

As much as he loves his children, well, they are his children and are not an easy brood to handle, even shy Quentyn tests his patience from time to time. They’re just as possessive of Aeron as he is and all enjoy piling on him at night to sleep whenever the omega lets them into their bed—his nest, which is far too often.

Aeron enjoys raising his children and dismissing the nannies more often than not, claiming he cannot let so many Blackwoods influence them and have them forget their origin. Davos does not argue but often will step in when his mate is running himself into the ground while trying to keep up with three children while pupped with a fourth.

Olyver’s little hands are twisted in Aeron’s clothing as if afraid the omega will leave him now that he’s fallen asleep. He is pouting even in sleep, resembling Aeron heavily like this.

Davos chuckles and reaches down to gently pinch at Olyver’s chubby cheeks, watching the pout deepen. They make bloody adorable children, that much is true. He supposes his mate’s Bracken heritage is useful for something.

“You shall wake him and then we will all face his terror once more,” Aeron whispers, swatting Davos’ hand away. “Your daughter is already enough to handle. One can probably hear her crying and screams from Essos if they listen hard enough.”

“Everyone seems to think she is another version of me,” Davos fondly admits, nosing possessively at Aeron’s mating bite. “No one confirms it to be a good thing though.”

Aeron offers Davos a soft smile as he leans down to kiss the crown of Olyver’s dark hair. “I suppose it is only fair that you get to experience the terror you probably bestowed upon your parents and nannies as a boy.”

Davos hums and spreads his fingers out on Aeron’s swollen belly, feeling their babe kick against his touch. It’s a strong kick, as to be expected from them. “That’s alright,” he whispers. “I shall take our daughter’s terror and how many more you wish to give me. As long as it is you.”

He moves his hand up to cup Aeron’s face and tilts it back so he can lean down to kiss him, still as greedy and impatient as he once was in his youth. He cannot be blamed for that, Aeron seems to grow prettier with age, and Davos is only human, a slave to his desires.

“I love you,” Davos confesses against Aeron’s lips. “Say it back,” he demands, always a little impatient and selfish for his mate’s affection.

Aeron, accustomed to Davos’ behavior now after so many years together, only kisses him to soothe the beast inside. “I love you.”

Davos grins.

Aeron Bracken was never meant for knighthood nor for his bloody house, no, he was always meant for Davos, to be here in the alpha’s den as his mate.

He is Davos’ entirely, now until death.

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.