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- The Miami Heraldi
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- 408
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fir ti I i 4F THE HERALD THURSDAY APRIL 23 1998 BflO iSOUTH PALM BEACH Mili Enchanting! One Of The Happiest Most Intelligent American Films In Years" MOVIE TIMECLOCK REOALCMEUAtOAKWOOOia 923-7777 2800 OakwoodBMl Hollywood The Object My AWcl1onPO-13 1220 240 5 00 7:30 950 Goodwin Hunting 12 50 1 20 6 50 920 MnretwB PG-13 1 20 4 30 7: 15 9 45 MetcutyRnunoR 1240 300 830 7:50 10:10 LoetlnSpece (scteeol) PG-13 1:30 450 7 40 RKX HELD THt NEW WRX OBSEJtVEX Grease PG 1:50 7:10 The Full MontyR 30 950 Aa Good As It Gets PG-13 1250 150 860 960 LA Confidential 1245 145 845 945 City otAngeN PG-13 1:15 4:15 7:16 1915 MARGATE 975-7002 5465 Anemic Blvd Margate lost In 8pece PG-13 1:06 150 7 05 930 Primary CotoreR 1:10 4:00 7:00 940 My Glam PG 1:30 820 7:20 Spectea2R 125 900 Major league 3 PG 1255116 7:16 930 Mercury RfcavjR 815 Titanic PG-13 1245 4:45 8:46 City of Angsts PG-13 12:55 115 5:15 7 25 9:25 The Objeaol My Affection 1:00 110 5:20 7:30 945 The Odd Couple 2 PG-13 1250 250 4:50 7:20 920 SEVER CMEMAS WE9T0H I 384-7713 1338 SW 160th Ave Sunrise Schedule unavailable JENNIFER ANISTON PAUL RUDD THE Affection ThePlayersOubR 1:204:30 716 1900 Good Will Huntlngfl 1:45 4:46 7:30 1910 Major League 3 TO 1:30 4:15 8:55 940 As Good As It Gets PG-13 1:36 7:10 9:55 The Big One PG-13 4:25 PaukePG 100 140 6:50 930 Wild Things 1:404:15 7:16 946 SuicideKingsR 1:30 3:55 7 00 9 40 The Object ol My AttectlorR 1: 10 145 700 945 The Odd Couple 2 PG-13 1:16 340 7:10 930 PrtmaryColorsR 1:00 4:00 655 955 OCCMIRACLEIOiaPASEOS 442-2299 330 1 Coral Way Miami Major Leegue3TO 1230 2:25 4:55 7:35 1900 The Objedof My Aftectlonfl 1230 245 5107:40 Spedes2fl 1235 235 4:46 7:45 10:15 MyGlant TO 12:40 255 5:10 7:40 950 The Odd Couple 2 T0 1245 245 500 7:25 945 City ot Angels TO 13 1215 250 516 735 1916 Lost In Space TO 1:00 4:00 7:00 1900 Mercury Rising 1230 240 510 7:40 1905 Grease TO 1246 150 PrtmaryColorsR 7:05 1900 Titanic TO 13 123046 800 GCC RIVIERA 666-8514 1560 Dixie Hwy Coral Gabies The Object ol My Affection fl 1220 245 5:10 7:40 1910 Cltyof Angels TO f3 1230 3:00 5:30 8 00 1926 Mercury Fusing A 12:30 255 625 7:50 1920 Grease TO 4:00 10 00 As Good Ash Gels TO 13 1:00 7:00 Thanlc TO 13 1230 4:30 8:30 -if EH mjBevn3au orre ornli wnfmotH teMtobprmwrttM XBDMi fSSfll coumn Hl Tnr I l4fit (X 44 4099 Sfwodan Si 448 7088 omc OQJMUMI MMnRaM rommM 448 xm OflH HaamatoMt UaX GfKfRM rtWk MRAlJoiriBItfi 3301 Coral NHy 44 RoeojM cmuA IBBKfinBCISMI 8WWrai8Vd KHimnQo 43? 77 hnittd4R'i5t: HO VIES IHffALLS US 1SW 13801 5 5700 G1NTRAI C1W AmERAONEMA SBUftUS IISAti 6F4C13 immikt immVKM M5-7414 RFJU UtMiMtlli MMwALtfMn 554HV0 CTlfclUS 44 1 RtGM 1MUAS CAKW0001I Okmic Au i-tf 4 SlfMig mm PIUkCE 13 CINEMAS 172n4A6 271 1801 M0nStWm6BKft KMC23 srtms wtwtt coRBiwpGi snwwa erms ckh suna aw uuua cpsiiao rwaks festival hums a uwcf rhu mfM 9htf SKfi (MUA 4 KAHAfQ MGCA fWK SWCOeOXl OF MY 18 CHECK TWt CLOCK FOR SHOWTIMES Oj a jungle out there! Tame that ficus trim those scheffleraand discover the natural beauty of a Florida garden Georgia Gardening column Sundays in HOME 475-8407 1:45 830 820 745 1:55 5:55 810 1:40 650 7:55 7:40 1:50 5:30 800 7:50 1:30 5:40 1:30 5:35 1:35 5:45 200 6:00 805 REGAL CINEMAS SAWGRASS II 846-1701 2600 NW 136th Ave Sunnse Major League SPG 1215 2304:46 7:00 930 Mercury RkungR 1:16 415 7 10 9 30 PrtmaryColorsR 1:00 4:00 850 1900 NightwatchR 1230 2555:15 7:45 10:10 Grease PG 1210 230 4:55 7:25 9:50 Pauke PG-13 1 2 45 1 00 6:00 7:05 9:15 Thame PG-13 12:00 4:00 8 00 LostmSpace PG-13 1D0 1:30 4:00 4:30 7:00 7:30 940 1910 The Players ClubR 1230 260 5:20 7:40 1900 City ol Angels PG-13 1:40 4:40 7:15 9 45 Species 2 1210 245 5:06 7:25 955 TheOdd Couple 2PG-13 1215 235 4:55 7:15 935 The Object ol My Affections 1200 230 5:05 7:35 1905 WIWThlnmR 7:45 1905 Bamey'sGreat AdventureG 12:05 2:00 4 05 6 00 As Good As II Gets PG-13 12:40 1 50 7:10 9:50 Good WHI Hunting 1:25 4:10 7:20 1910 My Giant PG 1220 235 4:50 7:20 9:40 TAMARAC CMEMAS 7283500 10036 West McNab Rd Tamarac A Confidential 1:00 4 00 7:30 KrippeodorfsTrtbeTOfd 1:05 105 5:05 7:05 9:15 WagTheDogR 1:15 120 520 7:20 9:25 TheFul MontyR 1:10 110 5:10 7:10 9:20 Spice World TO 130 HardRalnR 1:20 815 7:25 930 VALUE CMEMAS 973-7900 State Road 7 North Lauderdale Mouse Hum PG 1:25 525 925 The Apostle PG-13 1:10 140 7:10 940 rdfiatnR AMC MCWER PARK THEATRE 368-7744 300 Federal Highway Boca Raton Object ol my Allectlon fl 1:30 840 605 1925 Major League 3 TO 1:20 6:35 7 50 1900 City ol Angels TOM 1 40 6:30 8 00 1930 The Odd Couple 2 TOW 2008407:55 1915 LoatlnSpaceTOM 1:50 850 8 20 TltanicTOM 1:15 810 900 Paulie TO 1:00 100 800 7 00 900 Spec2fl 1:00 945 8:15 MyGianl TO 115 Mercury Rising fl 1055 Primary Colore 1930 MUVKO BOCA TOWN CENTER 7 395-0909 2 1090 St Andrews Blvd Boca Raton Paulie TO 1:00 105 515 7:25 935 City of Angela TOW 1245 100 5:25 7:50 1910 TheOddCoupfe2TOW 1250 100 925 7:45 1900 Species 2 fl 3:10 920 7:30 945 PrimaryColorefl 1:06 4:05 Mercury Risings 7:15 945 LostlnSpeceTOM 1:16 4:00 7:00 950 REOALSHAOOWOOO THEATRE IS 482-2296 9889 Glades Rd Boca Raton Object my Affection A 1:10 20 7:30 1900 PaukeTO 1:40 4:40 7:10 925 Major LaegueSTO 1:20 4:00 7:20 935 Gingerbread Man 1:00 10 7:20 950 SuiddeKmgsfl 1:10 4 30 7:50 1915 NightwatchR 1:30 800 7:50 1910 Species 2 fl 1:50 4:50 8:00 19 10 TheBigOneTOM 1:20 810 The Spanish Prisoner TO 1:30 20 7:10 940 Mercury Rlslngfl 1:40 4:30 7:40 1905 A Price Above Rubles 12:50 4:10 7:00 9:30 Grease TO 2:00 4 40 7:30 9:55 Mre-OaNoweyTOW 1:50 4:50 8 00 1905 WUdThlngsA 2:00 5:00 7:40 1900 Twilight 5:10 1915 Titanic TOW 12304:15 Good Will Hunting fl 1:00 00 7:00 945 M88JOM BAY PLAZA I 451-9011 10101 GiadeaRd Boca Raton PrimaryColorefl 1:30 40 8:00 1900 The Man In the kon Mask TOW 4:00 1915 MeettheDeediesTO 1:00 AsGoodasitOetsTOW 1:00 00 7D0 1900 Lost in Space TOW 1:104:15 7:20 1910 MyGianiTO 1245 1 10 5:30 8:00 1920 TheOddCoupfe2TOW 12:45 110 5:30 8:00 1920 City of Angels TOW 1:16 4:15 7:30 1910 Bames Great Adventured 1230 245 5:00 7:00 REQAL CINEMAS DELRAY It 272-2900 1668 Federal Hwy Defray Beach Gingerbread Man 1:20 4 40 7 15 940 As Good ask Gela TOW 1:30 4:15 7:20 1910 Love and Death on Long Island TOW 1:00 110 5:20 910 1915 Mrs Calloway TOW 5:00 1925 Grease TO 210 8:00 Goodwill Hunting 1:40 10 7:30 1910 TheOddCouple2TOM 2:00 4:40 7:00 930 Object ol my Aftectlonfl 1:30 4:15 7:10 940 Wild ThingsR 2:00 4:60 7:40 1915 Titanic TOM 1245 4:30 8:20 Primary Colore 1245 4:00 7:00 950 Species 2 1:10 3:20 5:30 8:20 10:25 Paulie TO 1:00 110 5:30 8:10 1900 MyGianiTO 1250 100 5:20 7:50 10:05 Major Leagues TO 12503:20 5:10 7:10 930 Mercury Rising 1:50 4:30 7:50 1920 City of Angela TOW 1:40 25 7:30 1905 LoatlnSpaceTOM 1:20 4:20 7:20 1920 DELRAY SQUARE 496-0884 4809 Atlantic Ave Delray Beach LAConfidentialfl 1:30 20 7:10 930 Afterglow 1:30 20 7:10 930 WagfheOogfl 1:30 4:20 7:10 930 TheApoKfteTOM 1:30 20 7:10 930 ThelceStormfl 1:30 4:20 7:10 930 MOVIES OF DELRAY 6380020 7421 Atlantic Ave Delray Beach Object of my Aftectlonfl 1:30 4:20 7:10 930 TheOddCouple2TOM 1:30 4:20 7:10 930 Cltyof Angels TOW 1:30 4:20 7:10 9:30 MyGlantTO 1:30 4:20 7:10 930 PrimaryColorefl 1:30 4:20 7:10 930 MOVIES OF BOYNTON BEACH 736-5770 244 Congress Ave Boynton Beach Twilight 1:10 3:15 5:30 7:45 1900 Object of my Affection 1:30 4:00 7:00 930 Paulie TO 1:15 3:30 5:30 7:45 945 PrimaryColorefl 1:00 3:45 650 940 Titanic (2 screens) TOW 1:00 130 4:45 7:30 8:30 Loam Space TOW 2:00 4:30 7:30 1900 City of Angels TOW 1:30 4:00 7:15 940 The Man In the Iron Mask TOW 10945 Grease TO 1:45 7:15 REGAL CWEMA8 MIAMI LAKES 5583810 67 1 1 Mam St Miami Lakes The Object of My Allectlon 1:30 4:00 7:20 950 Paulie 1:20 3:20 520 7:20 920 Lost in Space PG-13 1:16 4:05 7:00 940 SpecieszR 210 4:20 7:10 1900 Titanic PG-13 1:25 5:15 900 MyGlant PG 1:35 4:15 Mercury RisIngR 6:55 925 Maior League 3 PG 200 4:46 7:16 945 City ol Angels PG-13 1:40 4:30 7:30 1900 BMUV1CO HIALEAH 826-7242 780 W49th SI Hialeah Major League 3 PG 1:30 5:00 7:35 1905 PaullePG 1:15115 5:20 7:30 945 Species 2 (screen 1) 12:50 1 10 830 7:45 10:00 Species2 (screen 2) 1:30 4:30 7:00 930 Grease PG 1250 MyGlantPG 4:15 7:10 950 Cltyof AngetePG-13 1:45 4:45 7:15 950 TheOddCouple2PG-13 1:00 105 5:15 7:25 935 ThePlayersOubR 12:55 120 5:36 7:50 1905 Mercury RisIngR 12:50 120 820 7:35 1900 Lost in Space PG-13 1:10 4:00 7:00 950 Mr Nice Guy PG-13 1:20 125 5:30 7:45 955 Wild ThingsR 12:55 3: 15 535 7:55 19 16 The Man mlhe Iron Mask PG-13 1255 4:00 7:05 945 Thanlc PG-13 1:35 5:25 916 MOST POWERFUL AND SPELLBINDING ROMANCE IN Jay Carr BOSTON GLOBE 1020 1220 iX 700 940 TheOddCouple2PO-13 12 IS 230 440 710 920 MyGlentPG 115 4:10 710 930 wltdThmmR 7:20 930 BarTwy'fiGreatAdvsntureQ 1:20 3:20 520 CilyolAngetj PG-13 1220 250 510 7:30 1000 thePlayoreOubR 1230 240 5 15 500 1020 Pnrrwrv Cotore Ft 100 400 7: 10 10 15 PeutePG 1:00 300 500 7:00 515 Titanic PG-13 1215 4:15 515 Map League SPG 1250110 5:15 7:20 950 Afl Good As It Gets PG-13 1:00 150 550 940 GreosePG 1230 250 5 10 7:40 10 10 Specie 2 1240115 540 7:50 1000 AMCOCEANWAIKMALLIO 9204330 Hollywood Blvd 1X1 A Hollywood Titanic PG-13 1:15 510 900 City ot Angels PG-13 1:30 535 8:15 lost In Spare PG-13 1:30 5:30 520 PauliePG 1:45 535 820 May League SPG 1:40 540 835 The Odd Couple 2 PG-13 1:20 540 525 PrtmaryColorsR 545 The Obpcto! My Affection fi 1:35 5 30 530 Mercury Rising 1:25 540 My Giant PG 1:35 8 45 Spede2PG-13 1:25 550 850 Grease PG 545 AMC SHERIDAN PLAZA 12 987-4680 4999 Sheridan St Hollywood Movig times listed are for today only Lost In Space PG-13 200 545 820 Mercury RisIngR 1:35 540 800 10:20 As Good As Gets PG-13 5 35 1030 Mapr League SPG 150 5 50 8:10 1020 Titanic PG-13 1:30 530 930 The Object of My Affection 1:45 536 8:00 1020 Pnmary Colors 5:30 1030 Cltyof Angela PG-13 1:55 5:35 8:00 1020 PaullePG 1:45 550 805 1020 Grease PG 135 815 TheOddCouple2PG-13 1:40 535 7:55 10 15 My Giant PG 1:36 815 The Players Club 1:55 545 810 10:30 Species 2 200 545 7:55 10:15 TAFT HOLLYWOOD 12 981-6443 700 1 Taft St Hollywood Schedule unavailable GCC PEMBROKE P1ME8 437-7790 12520 Pines Blvd Pembroke Pines Major League 3 PG 1200 230 5:00 7:20 940 The Object of My Affection 1210 240510740 1910 Players Club 1230 250 510 7 30 950 Lost Space PG-13 1:00 4 00 7:10 1900 Grease PG 1210 240 7:40 Wild Things 5101900 Titanic PG-13 12:00 1:20 150 520 920 Marshals PG-13 1240 Pnmary ColoisR 120 700 950 UMTE9 ARTIST THEATRES MOVIE PEMBROKE PB8 4353700 1 1350 Pines Blvd Pembroke Pines The Newton Boys PG-13 1:35 7:15 RideR 4:25 950 Paulie PG 1:00 1 10 5:05 7: 10 920 The Odd Couple 2 PG-13 1250 100 5:10 730 935 Good Wifi Hunting 1:20 4:10 7:10 955 CityolAngelsR 1:20 155 7 20 945 My Giant PG 125 4 00 7 15 930 12:55 1:15 4 00 7:05 925 1:10 4:05 7:00 945 CINEMA CAFE 522-0274 1455 SE 17thStF1 Lauderdale The Full MontyR 5:00 7:30 930 LA Confidential 4:00 7:00 945 BLOCKBUSTER MAX $-0 THEATRE 483-4629 40 1 SW 2nd St Fort Lauderdale Note: Schedule subject tochange call theater 11:40 250 5:00 7:15 8:50 1250 4:00 1900 IntoTheOeepU 1:55 Wings of CourageU 815 Super Speedway Special Effects Whales IntnTherWwntl NICOLAS CAGE MEG RYAN CITY OF ANGELS UARNTR BRtTS is PG-13 The Full MontyR 1:20 120 5:20 7:20 9:20 Wag The Dog 1:05 5:05 7:05 LAConfidentlalR 1:00 3:30 7:00 930 Krippendcrfa Tribe PG-13 1:15116 816 7:15 915 Spice WoridPG 125 7:25 NOWARI5AYING! NORTH BROWARD AMC THf ATBS AMC OCIANWALK 10 OMNI 10 MOUT'WOOO BiD 6 A I A 160! WSatM WO 9206330 448-2088 AMC CORAL RIOGE 10 568-9668 Federal Hwy Oakland Park Blvd Fort Lauderdale 631-8504 6:00 8:00 1900 REGAL CINEMAS BAY HARBOR IV 868-2441 1 1 70 Kane Concourse Bay Harbor Islands Grease TO 4:00 1900 Primary Colors A 1:007:00 Thame TO 1:00 4:45 840 The Odd Couple 2 TO 1:204:20 7:20 940 As Good As It Gets TOW 4:10 930 My Giant TO 1:10 7:10 REGAL CINEMAS BYRON-CARLYLE 866-9623 50071st SL Paulie PG 1:20 120 820 720 920 The Object o( My Allectlon 1:30 4:00 7:20 950 Major League 3 PG 200 4:45 7:15 945 Cltyof AngelsPG-13 1:25 4:25 7:25 955 Lout in Space PG-13 1:15 4:00 7:10 1900 Mercury RismgR 1230 245 800 7:40 1915 Species2R 1250 100 5:20 7:45 1905 AfAT THfATHS EA5HI0N ISLAND 16 uUJuAfO 448-2088 CtNFMA MIRACLE CENTER 10' 3301 CORAi Mi 442-9950 BEGA( CINEMAS OAKWOOD 18- uA' 923-7777 MLO 1 HIALEAH 14 Am STREET 826-7242 AMT TVjf ATTftS COCOWALK 16 30'5'jfiANli AvtNUE 448-2086 AMC MAU Of THE AMf 0CAS htMfnOJfWAT 448-2088 GfMfB At CINEMA RIVIERA CINEMA US 14 57 AVENUE 666513 PEOAl OMfMAS PALACE IS I Ail 4 hAT 22M0O1 AMC TMATf9S SHERIDAN 12 Srtf fefOAN STREer 987-4680 BtOAl CINEMAS MIAMI LAKES 10 At VAiN AJhD kuulAW 558-3810 OCfAN CINfMA LEJEUNE CINEMA 6 TH iT 4 itEiiNE RD 529-8883 RFGAl ClNtMAi KENDAU 9 USXH a 596-5000 MOVES a PEMIW 435-3700 BfCAL ClNfMAS STRON-CARLTU MG 7 1 ST 668-1850 MOVIES AT THE FALLS IS I4S I30THST 255-5200 200 820 5:55 1:30 835 8:25 1:50 5:35 7:45 955 1:55 830 8:00 10:25 1:45 840 8:10 1930 1:40 840 805 1930 1:55 5:50 810 1920 200 5:50 815 1920 1:35 5:30 8:30 1:35 5:45 800 10:15 NORTH DADE REGAL CINEMAS CALIFORNIA CLUB VI 652-8558 850 fves Oaky Rd ea-etadium testing ThePlayereClubR Species 2 Thame PG-13 Mercury RisIngR Lost in Space PG-13 Major League3PG 1:10 4:00 1:30 4:20 1:00 1:50 4:30 1:20 4:00 1:40 4:10 7:20 945 7:20 930 4:45 8:30 7:10 935 7:00 945 7:30 840 a morning train means future and missing it means another? VnP-H WEST BROWARD U8 Marshals PG-13 Grease PG LostmSpace PG-13 Paulie PG The Players ClubR The Object of My Affection City of Angels PG-13 Species 2 Major League3PG PnrnaryColorsR TheOodCoupfe2PG-13 REGAL CMEMAS CYPRESS CfttEK IS 771-0033 6415N Andrews Ave Fort Lauderdale Schedule unavailable GCC GALLERIA 565-1883 2630 Sunrise Blvd Fort Lauderdale Titanic TO-Id 1230 4:30 830 As Goodes II GettTOtd 1230 120 7:00 945 Mercury RisIngR 1215 246 5:05 7:30 1900 My Giant 80 1215 230 4:45 7:15 930 OATEWAVCMEMAFOUR 763-7994 1620 Sunrise Bfvd Fort Lauderdale Lost In Space PG-13 1:15 4:15 7:30 1900 The Object 0lt4y Affection 1:00 115 5:30 8:00 1915 CityolAngelsR 1:00 115 830 7:45 1900 Minor League SPG 1:16115 816 815 1915 DEERFELD CMEMAS 428-0008 2205 HMsboro Blvd Deerfield Bch Schedule unavailable GCC DEERFEELB MALLS 429-3930 Hillsboro Blvd at Powerline Rd Deerfield Beach Titanic PG-13 1216 4:00 7 45 As Good as It Gets PG-13 1:00 7:00 PrtmaryColorsR 400 950 Mercury RisIngR 12 15 240 5: 10 7:40 1905 lost In Space PG-13 1:15 4:15 7:15 1900 The Odd Couple2 PG-13 1230 245 5:00 7:20 940 MyGlant PG 12: 15 235 500 7:30 9 55 TheObjectofMyAffectionR 1255 246 810 7:30 950 Major League 3 PQ 1230 245 810 7:30 950 FOX FESTIVAL 974-5553 Sample Road at Fla Turnpike Pompano Beech POMPANO IV 941-5035 3251 Federal Hwy Pompano Beach Titanic PG-13 1230 4:15 8 00 The Object of My Affections 1:00 4:00 7:00 930 City Angels PG-13 1:30 4:00 7:00 945 TheOddJoupte2 PG-13 1:46 4:15 7:15 1900 REGAL ONEAIA8 CORAL SPHHQSt 753-9700 3223 University Or Coral Spnngs 1:00 400 700 930 1:30 4:30 7:30 1910 1:20 4:20 7:20 950 4:10 940 1:10 7:10 1:50 4:50 7:50 1900 1:40 4:40 7:40 1920 Paulie PG lost in Spare PG-13 City of Angels PG-13 Primary ColotsR My Giant PG TheOddCouple2PG-13 Good Wil Hunting --m i i AMC FASHION ISLANO II 448-2088 18741 Biscayne Blvd (LoehmamYs Plaza) North Miami Beach NlghtwatchR 1:45 835 8 15 1935 SuicideKingsR 1:45 835 815 1935 PaullePG 1:30 200 4:50 840 7:20 7:50 945 1916 ThePlayereClubR 1:30 200 4:45 830 7:20 8:00 950 1930 Spedes2PG-13 1:40 5:40 8:10 1940 Chyof Angels PG-13 1:35 815 7:55 1935 TheSpamshPrisonerR 1:50 5:30 8:15 1935 Lost in Space PG-13 1:30 200 6:00 7:50 1940 Mercury RisIngR 1:50 5:15 8:00 1940 Bamey'sGreat AdventureG 1:30 5:45 The Big One PG-13 1:35 Man mlhe Iron Mask PG-13 830 830 AsGoodAshGeIsPG-13 1:35 5:30 830 Wild ThingsR 8:05 GoodWIliHuntlngR 1:40 5:50 8:00 1910 Mr Nice Guy PG-13 5:40 1935 RideR 7:40 1900 GCCIMTRACOASTALVlIi 945-7416 3701 NE 163rd St North Miami Beach The Object ot My Altection fl 1200 230 5:00 7:30 1900 Major LeagueSTO 12:00 220 4:50 7:10 930 My Giant TO 12:20 245 820 7:46 10:00 The Odd Couple 2 TO 13 1200 2:30 5:00 7:30 945 Primary GoioreR 1245 150 7:00 10:00 Marshals TO 13 1:004:00 7:00 945 Titanic TO 13 1245 45 7:45 900 Grease TO 220 5:10 Vv 'J REGAL BOYNTOM9CWEMA8 734-0027 Congress and 22nd Ave Boynton Beach MajorLeegueSTO 1:30 4:20 7:45 1900 1:00 4:20 7:30 1910 'Species2fl 1:30 4:30 7:45 1920 MyGianiTO 1:00 4:00 7:30 1910 The Player's Club fl 1:20 4:30 7:00 950 As Good salt Gets TOW 1:104:00 7:00 950 Good Will Hunting 1:20 10 7:15 1900 Mercury RteingR 1:10 10 7:15 10:20 VALUE CINEMA OF ATLANT18 642-8565 6 189 Congress Ave Lantana KrippendorfsTrtbeTO 1:10 3:00 800 7:10 910 The Borrowers TO 1:25 7:05 WagtheDogfl 1:05 105 5:05 905 Spice World TO 1 15 5: 15 900 MouseHuntTO 1:20 3:20 5:20 Hard Rain 7:20 920 LAConfidentlalfl 1:00 130 7:00 930 TheApostleTOW 1:15 3:35 7:15 940 REOAL LAKE WORTH I CINEMAS 964-5555 588 1 Lake Worth Rd Lake Worth Good Will Hunting 1:45 4:30 7:30 1900 Grease TO 7:00 950 BamesGraat Adventure fl 1:00 100 5:00 Obecto1 my Allectlon 1:4515 7:15 945 PrimaryColorefl 1:15 4:00 7:15 1900 LostmSpace TOW 1:15 4:00 7:00 950 PaulieTO 1:30 4:30 7:45 1915 Titanic TOW 1:00 4:45 8:30 Cltyof Angels TO 1:30 4:45 7:30 1915 MOVIES OF LAKE WORTH 968-4545 7360 Lake Worth Rd Lake Worth LA Confidential 1:30 4:20 7: 10 930 Afterglow 1:30 4:20 7:10 930 WagtheOogfl 1:30 4:20 7:10 930 TheApostleTOW 1:30 4:20 7:10 930 ThelceStormfl 1:30 4:20 7:10 930 The Full MontyR 1:30 4:20 7:10 930 RIVER BRIDGE CENTRE 641-3102 Forest Hill Blvd at Jog Rd West Palm Beech NightwatchR 21040 7:30 950 Species 2 (2 screens) fl 1:45 21615 4:45 7:10 7:45 930 1900 As Good as it Gets TOW 1:00 4:107:00 940 Mercuty Rlslngfl 1:50 4:20 7:20 1910 MyGianiTO 2:20 40 7:50 1900 MajorLeagueSTO 1:00 4:00 7:00 945 TheOddCouple2TOW 1:30 30 7:20 940 SEVER SCREEN CINEMA CAFE 793-6657 12795 Forest HM Blvd Wellington TheBorrowereTO 4:00 The Wedding Singer TOW 4:30 7:55 WagtheDogfl 600 LA Confidential 630 8:55 WELLMOTON MARKETPLACE 79843887 1388 1 Wellington Trace West Palm Beach LostlnSpaceTOW 1:00 4:00 7:30 1900 TttanlcTOW 12:45 5:00 900 PaulieTO 1250100 5:10 7:15 910 Object ol my Aftectlonfl 20030 7:10 940 MyGianiTO 1:30 7:00 Mercury Rising 4:00 930 Species2R 1:15 145 6:50 920 PrimaryColorefl 12:40 7:05 Grease TO 140 950 City ol Angels TOW 1:45 40 7:35 1905 BROWARD DRIVE-IN A romantlt (OBxiy iboet the two diHirtat wayi obb life (ould go 583-7733 WAP SHOP DRtVE-M 329 1 Sunrise Bfvd Fort Lauderdale Paulie AO My Giant AO TheOddCoupfe2TOW Major League 3 TO G233 iWESTDADE 14741 Bttctya BM 0 IITOt SL 931-2873 STARTS TOMORROW! REGAL CINEMAS MAYFAIR 10 Mow Pen Hofmoi Coccntf fifiM 447-9969 ssss AMC MALL OF THE AMERICAS 14 7775W Flagler St Species2R 1:50 5:45 800 1915 US Marshals PG-13 1:30 5:30 815 The Man In the Iron Mask PG-13 7:45 1930 8:15 955 8:15 1910 8 20 1910 8:20 1930 8:20 1905 820 1920 820 1915 8:20 900 1915 1950 815 1930 815 1916 815 1915 5 8:15 LoeUnSpareTOW SpeciesZTOW Grease TO WMdThlngsfl Mercury RisIngR The Players Cktb TO 13 Marshals TO Rktefl CttyolAngNsTOiJ The Object ol My Altection Titanic to CORAL SPRINGS MOVC CENTER 752-1200 Royal Palm Blvd and University Or Coral Sprwgs Schedule unavailable BQCC CORAL SQUARE VRI 344-6888 700 Riverside Or Coral Springs i Titanic PG-13 1200 145 7:45 Grease PG 7:30 955 As Good As II Gets PG-13 1:15 4:15 7:15 1915 1 Mercury Rising 1215 245 815 7:45 1910 1 Players Club 1225 230 446 7:00 920 Species2R 1245115 5:40 8:00 1905 BamesGreal AdventureG 1:30 130 5:30 I Object ot My Affection 1200 230 5:00 7:30 1900 Major LeagueSPG 1:00115 830 800 1920 GCC FOUNTAM8 CINEMA VIE 424-9701 80 IS University Or Plantation THanlcPG-13 1230 4:20 810 Spedes2R 1245 100 5:20 7:50 1910 PnrnaryColorsR 4:00 7D0 950 Odd Couple 2 PG-13 1215 230 4:45 705 940 City ol Angels PG-13 1215 240 805 7:30 955 Lost In Space PG-13 1:00 4:00 7:00 945 My Giant PG 1230 245 805 7:30 9:50 ObjedolMyAffecIfonR 1215 245 810 7:40 1905 GreaaePG ICO i FOX SUNRISE 748-3309 4321 NW 88th Ave Sunrise Gingerbread Mans 100 450 7:20 1900 i Suicide Kings fl 100 7:40 1900 Major League 3 AS- 3 1:20 4:10 7:30 9 50 A Price Above Rubles 1:00 5:00 Titanic PG-1 TOO 4:50 830 Paulie PG 1:40150 7:15 930 PnrnaryColorsR 1:00 4:00 7:00 945 TheSpanishPrisonerTO 1:50 4 20 7:10 940 TheOddCouple2R 1:30 430 850 920 TheBigOneTOW 100 930 IMVERRARYS 733-2520 Oakland Paik Blvd NW 56th Ave Laudertufl The Odd Couple2 PG-13 1:20 120 5:20 7:20 920 Mercuty Rising 1:10 415 7:15 935 lost in Space PG-13 1:20 4:00 7:00 945 Spedes2R 1:30 130 830 7:30 930 ThePlayereClubR 1:15 120 825 7:30 940 IIERCEDEIV 473-8700 1870N UnhiersriyDrPlantaticn CityoAngelsPG-l3 1-00 115 5:30 7:45 Paul PG 1:00100800 7:30 MyGlantPG 1:00115 Lost in Space PG-13 1:15 415 7:15 MerajtyRwngR 530 7:30 MOVES AT LAUOERMU 748-6507 7800 Commercial Blvd Lauderttffl TheObiectotMyANectionR ICO 4:00 7:00 ThePlayersOubR 1 10120 830 7:50 1910 lostln Spare (screen 1) PG-13 1:30 4:15 700 945 200 4:45 7:30 1915 't Mercury Fusing (screen 1) 1:45 4:30 7:15 950 Mercury Rising screen 2 fl 215 5:00 7:45 1920 -My Gant PG 1:15 400 7 20 950 'Species? (screen 1) fl 100120 840 800 1920 'Specws2 (acrean2) 215 4:45 7:15 945 EBuiEdlDOCSjCoiiiiiiui She fHiomi Herald NUOVO CSS3ESES2 1:46 845 6:40 7:45 1900 1:40 5:45 600 1915 1:50 5:30 600 1930 1:30 815 7:55 1930 200 815 7:45 1915 1:45 5:16 7:30 1900 8:10 1930 1:30 5:30 950 1:30 600 Allectlon 200 830 610 1930 200 1:40 5:40 7:60 1910 200 600 600 1910 PG-1 3 AdventureG PG CORAL CABLESGROVE 448-7144 7:00 915 443-6777 7:00 900 4482088 ALCAZAR CMEMATHEOUE 235 Alcazar Ave Coral Gabtea The Gingerbread Menu ASTORARTCMEMA 4120 Laguna Si Coral Gabies Boca a Boca (Mouth to Mouth) Live Flesh (CameTremufe) AMC COCOW ALK If 30 1 5 Grand Ave Coconut Grove Titanic PG-13 Mercury Rising 1:30 200 MyGlant PG Mr Nice Guy The Odd Couple 2 City ol Angels PG-13 Lost in Sfiace PG-13 Mercury RismgR Players CfubR Grease PG Titanic PG-13 Barney's Greet The Object ot My Primary Colore Major League 3 PaullePG RE OAL CINEMAS PALACE IS 221-1801 11866 SW 26th St Miami aa stadium aesttng The Object ot My AtlectionR 1210 240 810 7:40 1915 PaullePG 1210 22030 7:00 915 NightwatchR 1210 235 5:00 7:25 1900 Maior League 3 PQ 1220 235 4:50 7:20 940 City ol Angela (ss) PG-13 1:00 4:45 7:40 1930 Species 2 (es) 1215 245 816 7:40 1900 MyGianl PG 1210 23060 720 940 Lost In Space (ss) PG-13 1230 1:16 130 4:15 7:00 7:45 946 1930 MercuryRIsIng (ss) 1210 230 5:00 7:30 1900 USMarehatsPG-13 1240 30 7:30 1915 WW Things (ss) 1220 246 815 7:40 1910 Titanic (ss) PG-13 1215 00 7:45 Aa Good As it Gets PG-13 1250 4:20 7:30 1930 Good WW Hunting 1250 4:30 7:30 1920 Barney' Great Adventure 1215 21515 PnmaryCotore (ss) 7:30 1930 Man the Iron Mask (ss) PG-13 25 1900 Grease PG 1220 815 7:40 NORTH PALM BEACH My Glam PG LostmSpace PG-13 Butcher Boy Fireworks s2R CAREFREE 833-7305 2000 Dixie Highway Weal Palm Beach Palm Beach International Film Festival: The Empty MkrorU 4:00 Yours andMineU 1:30 815 945 815 800 7:45 825 1915 1:50 845 805 1930 1:40 5:00 840 7:55 8:35 1945 1:50 5:55 820 1940 1:55 835 7:55 1920 200 850 810 1925 7:40 950 805 1915 820 1940 810 1930 7:50 1900 800 1935 815 1945 447-9969 Niagara Thetomgs of the Dove Dangerous Beauty Grease PQ The Fufi MontyR City of Angels PG-13 The Spanish Prisoner REGAL CMEMAS lUYFAJR 10 3390 Mary SL Surie 380 Coconut Grove 1:40 830 1:55 840 1:35 855 T45 845 1:35 835 1:40 5:30 1:40 850 inznni mmm: The 10th Annual SOUTH FLORIDA BLACK FILM FESTIVAL April 19 through April 25 1998 Back To See reflecting on the strides of African Americans in the film industry Presents Stories of a workshop series with SPECIAL GUEST KEVIN CLASH the voice of ELMO April 25 1998 Vinette Carroll Theater 503 SE 6th Street Ft Lauderdale FL For additional schedule information call SFBFF HOTLINE at 954)698-5680 or 305)787-5200 V' ANTIQUES JEWELRY AND COLLECTIBLES SHOW AND SALE Porcelain Restoration jCOCONUT GROVE CARES fv- April 25 SAT 11AM -6PM April SUN NOON -6PM i a a a Coconut Grove Exhibition Center at Dinner Key (So Bayshore 27 Ave) Free Parking Antique Jewelry Antique Weapons Antique Furniture dolls doll restoration bronzes vintage clothing silver etc Coconut Grove Cares a non-profit organization For information 444-8454 During show: 579-331 0 Box Office closes Saturday Sunday at 5: 15 pm a Admission 450 50c off one admission with this ad (No Entrance after 5: 1 5 pm Sunday) NEXT SHOWS: May 23 24 June 2021 Juiy 25 26 tVl0 tUSMI WV315 COMI MS SKVSMSS KVW SWWS Wu ClWfSS CSU SilMJI KffW WW fi kSHW UMS IMHMU maun smt sw nnmum nai iohmm aumw mkmi mi ran tan cntc nuf clock fos SMOwnuet reuufi! rywi I I Sponsored by: The HERALD Digital City South Flonda WLVE-FM American Airimes WSVN TV Bagels and lox Just add Tropic Magazine for the perfect Sunday morning i 1.
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