Symptoms Of Bad Turn Signal Relay (2024)

Symptoms Of Bad Turn Signal Relay (1)

By Tsukasa Azuma

Last updated Feb 03, 2024


Turn signal relay is the easiest system in your car to analyze and solve when it’s wrong. Unless your signal flasher is working, it will be hard for you to maneuver the car tightly. But the good news is that troubleshooting your bad turn signal relay symptoms isn’t too difficult.

What Is The Turn Signal Relay?

We call the electrical apparatus that dictates turn signals a turn signal relay or hazard. The majority of turn signal lights on road working vehicles are controlled by a flasher, also called a relay which is an electrical component that serves the lights to flash on and off.

The turn signal relay is typically a small, box-shaped device located in or near the fuse box or under the dashboard. It is connected to the vehicle’s electrical system and receives input from the turn signal switch, which is usually located on the steering column. When the driver activates the turn signal by moving the switch up or down, the turn signal relay receives an electrical signal, which causes it to open and close a circuit, resulting in the flashing of the turn signal lights.

The relay’s timing mechanism ensures that the turn signal lights flash at a consistent rate, typically around 60 to 120 times per minute, depending on the vehicle and regional regulations. This flashing pattern alerts other drivers and pedestrians to the driver’s intention to change lanes or make a turn, improving overall road safety.

If the turn signal lights fail to operate or flash at an irregular rate, it could indicate a malfunctioning turn signal relay. In such cases, replacing the faulty relay is usually the solution. However, it’s important to note that the exact location and design of the turn signal relay can vary between different vehicle makes and models. Consulting the vehicle’s owner’s manual or seeking professional assistance is recommended for accurate identification and replacement of the turn signal relay.

Symptoms Of Bad Turn Signal Relay (2)

Bad Turn Signal Relay Symptoms

A turn signal relay problem is mainly the result of a burned bulb or a malfunctioning turn signal relay. There are many symptoms of a bad turn signal relay problem. Usually a failing turn signals will have some symptoms below that can alert the driver of a potential issue.

Turn signal relay do not function

The broken flasher is the most popular symptom of a bad turn signal relay. It can cause the lights to not function when you press the hazard light button. Although this problem may not lead to serious engine performance issues, it’s so dangerous when your turn signals aren’t working.

If the signal blinks really fast, you may have a dead bulb. You can easily replace a turn signal bulb like any broken bulb. It’s easy to change and doesn’t cost much.

If the bulbs aren’t the cause, you have to change the turn signal flasher for good.

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Before changing the turn signal relay, please be sure to check flasher relays for turn signals or hazard lights because they are separate in some cars.

First of all, of course, buy yourself a new turning signal switch. Look for your replay cluster location. Most of the vehicle’s owner’s manual book comes with your specific model will show exactly where it is about. And for 100% all the car, it’s the join of different electrical components. Next, remove the old turn signal relay and add the new one. And it’s the only way to insert the relay. Don’t be worried about installing it incorrectly, it will go in the right way. Also, read our maintenance tips given by the experts to know more about other car problems.

Symptoms Of Bad Turn Signal Relay (3)

Turn signal relay keep lighting

Another symptom of a bad turn signal relay is that it stays on, instead of flashing. Despite lighting up, they won’t emerge others that the driver wants to turn left/ right or other situations. The main result of this problem is electrical issues. Therefore, checking the vehicle regularly is necessary.

Other lights fail to work

In some cases, additional lights such as headlights, running lights, or brake lights may also not function along with your turn signal relay. The reason is that these lights may connect through or with your hazards in some cars. So, occasionally, unless your turn signals are wrong, it leads to other lights not working.

Further Troubleshooting

If your turn signals still don’t work after you’ve replaced your bad turn signal relay and looked at the bulbs are working, you’ll have to check the electricity.

Sometimes, the one thing you should do is check the connections. You have to access the back of the turn signal housings to replace your bulbs. In this location, unplug the connection between your tail lights, front turn signals, and the car’s electrical system, then plug them back in one at a time. In some cases, this action may help you to address the problem.

In another case, you should think about the random fuses when your turn signal relay symptom happens. A bad circuit that may seem to not affect the turn signals orbrake lights can somehow cause them to fail.

If you want to know more details, let’s see the video below:

Symptoms Of Bad Turn Signal Relay (2024)


Symptoms Of Bad Turn Signal Relay? ›

Turn Signals Don't Work

How do I know if my turn signal relay is bad? ›

A few signs are as follows:
  1. Hazards or indicator lights don't work — The most typical indication of a defective or faulty flasher relay is the absence of hazards or indicator lights. ...
  2. Hazards or indicator lights remain on — Hazards or indicator lights that remain on are another sign of a malfunctioning flasher relay.
Nov 20, 2022

Can a turn signal relay work intermittently? ›

TOM: The blinkers absolutely can fail intermittently. A lot of electronic parts fail that way.

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If your starter relay has gone bad, the electrical signal will never make it from the battery to the starter motor. As a result, your engine won't turn over - no matter how many times you turn the key. A faulty relay often produces an audible clicking sound when you turn your car.

How can you tell if a relay has gone bad? ›

You can take each probe on the multimeter and touch either corresponding switch pins and you should hear a beep to indicate continuity between the pins. If you don't hear a beep, your switch pins are stuck open and the relay is bad.

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Examine the interior for signs of overheating, corrosion, or damage that could have led to a broken electrical connection. Use a test light to check the connection; if the light does not go on, this means that the problem is in the ground or electrical connection and not simply with the bulb.

What happens if a signal flasher goes bad? ›

The broken flasher is the most popular symptom of a bad turn signal relay. It can cause the lights to not function when you press the hazard light button. Although this problem may not lead to serious engine performance issues, it's so dangerous when your turn signals aren't working.

Is there a way to test a flasher relay? ›

Testing the flasher unit

To test the conventional type of flasher unit, use a circuit tester between the terminal marked B on the unit and the earth. Turn on the ignition . If the supply side of the unit is working, the bulb should light. If it does not, look for a break in the wiring between the unit and the fuse box.

What would cause turn signals to stop working? ›

Common Reasons Your Turn Signals Might Stop Working

Burnt-out bulbs are the most frequent issue, but electrical problems like blown fuses, faulty wiring, and corroded connectors are also common.

Why is my blinker blinking so fast? ›

Your signal light's bulb needs to be replaced. You have a bad ground connection. Your signal light may have weak voltage. Your signal light's connections may be loose or damaged.

Why is my blinker not working after I changed the bulb? ›

If you're certain that your bulb is good but the turn signals still aren't working properly, there might be a problem with your vehicle's flasher relay, turn signal switch, or electrical system.

How do you know if your turn signal relay is bad? ›

Turn Signals Don't Work

This is the most common symptom of a faulty turn signal relay. Once the relay is broken, the lights won't turn on with the switch. On some vehicles, the hazard lights also rely on the turn signal relay, so those lights might also cease to function.

Why does my blinker only sometimes work? ›

The most likely suspect is worn contacts in the 'multi-function' switch that the turn signals are a part of under the steering wheel. This seems to always be the case when I have those same issues. A lot of cars have these switches in a way that the entire assembly must be replaced.

What happens when a relay stops working? ›

A bad main relay can cause problems like a no-start condition, unreliable vehicle ignition, an engine that won't stay running, and an illuminated check engine light. Relays are electronically-controlled switches. They connect or break paths in a circuit to control electric currents and their respective devices.

What can cause your turn signals to stop working? ›

Common Reasons Your Turn Signals Might Stop Working

Burnt-out bulbs are the most frequent issue, but electrical problems like blown fuses, faulty wiring, and corroded connectors are also common.

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